Set up and run Hubot without using Heroku

Hubot makes it incredibly easy to setup on a Heroku server, by taking advantage of its Procfile support. Simply running git push heroku master deploys the app and starts it.

When it comes to deploying to your own Linux server, given that foreman doesn’t really like background processes (see: ddollar/foreman#65), you need to use something like monit, systemd or tmux to better manage your Hubot process.

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Let vs Instance Variables

Maybe in the past you stumbled over the two different approaches to setup your test variables. One way is the more programmatical approach by using instance variables, usually initialized in a before block.

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Protect your sensitive data in Git

If you are working with open source or if you are going to open source a repository, you should ensure that none of your sensitive data (API Keys, Credentials, Passwords) can be accessed by anyone.

One thing that a lot of people forget, is that this information stay forever in your repository history, if you do not rewrite the history of your repository.

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Adding Docker to a Ruby gem

As a maintainer of a few Ruby gems, I have to decide what is accepted and what gets rejected into the gems. The other day someone submitted a pull request to add a Dockerfile to DatabaseCleaner

I thought it was a good idea, because the current version of DatabaseCleaner requires you to have Postgres, MySQL, Redis, and Mongo up and running before you run rake.

Here are the steps:

  1. Download the Docker Toolbox, a 176+ MB package.

  2. Install the package, which will expand to 400+ MB in your filesystem.

  3. In the terminal: docker-machine start default

  4. Then within your project: docker-compose up (before this I had to run eval "$(docker-machine env default)" because of this issue). Get ready to wait for a few minutes while it sets up your virtual machine.

  5. Finally: docker-compose run --rm gem

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Adding Csrf-Protection to your Rails-Backbone App

When integrating Backbone.js in your Rails App, you might face the problem of the inability to verify the CSRF-Token.

The CSRF Protection secures your app with a token. Rails makes sure that the person who is interacting with your app is someone who started a session in your site, not some random attacker from another site. So you should not turn it off, unless you know what you are doing.

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How to interact with hidden elements with Protractor

The other day I was trying to interact with a hidden file input field:

<div class="col-sm-3">
  <input class="btn btn-default" class="hidden" accept=".csv"  id="geofence_file_input">
  <a class="btn btn-default" id="textbox-for-geofencefile">Select File</a>
  <span ng-if="LineItemForm.augmentations.geofence.file">{{selectedFilename()}}</span>

And the CSS:

.hidden {
  display: none;

Which caused this problem:

Failed: Wait timed out after 100015ms

Workarounds include displaying it, interacting with it, hiding it again, which I didn’t like.

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Time and Material

As of 2016, we will no longer work with clients on fixed bid projects. They are not a good fit for us and we are not a good fit for them.

All of our clients are startups. Fixed bids are counterproductive for startups. They give the client a false sense of security and they punish changing requirements.

Fixed bids make clients think that their project will be finished in a fixed period of time if their requirements don’t change while developing the project. That is a big if!

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The 7 Days Open Source Challenge

Last Wednesday I gave a lightning talk about open source at the Buenos Aires Ruby Meetup. I proposed a challenge to all attendees: Contribute to one (or many) open source projects for 7 days straight.

The rules are simple:

  • You have to do it for 7 days straight
  • If you can’t do it one day, that breaks your streak
  • When you break your streak, you have to start over from day 1
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Why using default_scope is a bad idea

default_scope is a method provided by ActiveRecord, which allows you to set a default scope (as its name implies) for all operations done on a given model. It can be useful for allowing soft-deletion in your models, by having a deleted_on column on your model and setting the default scope to deleted_on: nil

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The Lean Startup Way

At OmbuLabs we like to split our time working on our own products, client projects, and open source code. We have embraced the Lean Startup methodology not only for our own products but also for our client projects.

It is easier to apply the methodology to our own products than to our client projects. With our products, we decide what goals we want to reach and what experiments we are going to run to validate our hypotheses.

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How to Git push with blocked ports

Often times I find myself working out of a coffee shop with a terrible Internet connection. We have a nice office at OmbuLabs but there is still that Je ne sais quoi at coffee shops.

The cool thing about Git is that you can git commit all your changes while enjoying a cup of coffee and git push later (when you’re back at home with a decent connection)

But what if you want to git push from the coffee shop? Sometimes the only ports that are open are port 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).

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Our Definition of "Done"

Quality should be present in everything you do, but it should be balanced with the time you spend working on a feature. Does it feel like you’ve been working on this feature for a really long time? Maybe you have. Is it “done”?

That is a tough question, so I’ll write down our definition of done.

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