How to Git push with blocked ports

Often times I find myself working out of a coffee shop with a terrible Internet connection. We have a nice office at OmbuLabs but there is still that Je ne sais quoi at coffee shops.

The cool thing about Git is that you can git commit all your changes while enjoying a cup of coffee and git push later (when you’re back at home with a decent connection)

But what if you want to git push from the coffee shop? Sometimes the only ports that are open are port 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).

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Our Definition of "Done"

Quality should be present in everything you do, but it should be balanced with the time you spend working on a feature. Does it feel like you’ve been working on this feature for a really long time? Maybe you have. Is it “done”?

That is a tough question, so I’ll write down our definition of done.

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Enumerable#grep vs Enumerable#select

Often, Enumerable#select is the chosen method to obtain elements from an Array for a given block. Without thinking twice, we may be doing more work than necessary by not taking advantage of another method from the Enumerable module, Enumerable#grep.

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Almundo's Bill Vulnerability

The other day my friend Juan Rossi reported a vulnerability in the Almundo billing system. Since then, the vulnerability has been fixed by Superfactura, their billing software provider.

Almundo is one of the biggest travel agencies in Argentina. Their site is among the 250 most visited websites in the country.

The vulnerability allowed anyone to download billing information about their clients by creating a pretty simple HTTP GET request. No programming knowledge required.

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